Adding files to your shared Google Drive folder is the most straightforward way to provide us with images, videos and other content that we need when working on your projects. There is no file size limit and unlimited storage, making it easy to send over large numbers of photos and videos.
  1. You will receive a notice via email that a folder in our drive has been shared with you, accept this and follow the link through to view the folder.
  2. You may wish to bookmark the page so you can easily return to it later.
  3. When viewing the folder in your web browser, simply drag and drop files in to add them.
  4. The files will begin uploading immediately and will show a tick once the upload is complete. Please not for large numbers of files or large file sizes like high definition video the upload could take a little while depending on your internet connection. Please do not close the tab/window whilst the upload is in progress or the upload will be cancelled. You may of course leave the window open and uploading in the background whilst you do something else in a new window/tab.