Our invoices are created and sent to you 30 days before they are due, the due date is then the date on which we start to carry out the work. Work will carried out throughout the month, this will involve creating a strategy by drawing on a huge range of SEO tools (complicated pieces of software that collect and analyse vast amounts of data) and selecting what will have the most impact on your websites SEO performance at that time. Many tasks, such as those involving copywriting involve several people to plan, draft, edit and publish the work. All of this takes time. The work will be carried out within 30 days of the invoice due date.

Once the work has been carried out, the results do not appear straight away. We can request that Google crawls your website (comes and have a look at it for changes) but we don't get to choose when this happens, it could be a few days or a few weeks (the more frequently you carry out work on your website, the more quickly SEO work is detecte by Google). Google also has to take into acocunt all the "offpage" factors of your website such as citations and links. You probably won't see any progress for weeks, but it may not be for months. The best progress occurs when you have been investing steadily in SEO for a while, little and often is much much better than big chunks of investment with big gaps inbetween.

  • If you are on a monthly SEO contract, a new invoice is generated each month and we incur costs when this happens as we commit to doing the work as this point.
  • If the invoice is not paid by the due date we do not fully complete and publish the scheduled work.
  • We require 30 days notice to cancel a monthly SEO plan, otherwise you are legally obliged to pay the invoice.
  • You are legally obliged to pay every invoice that is issued until 30 days after you notify us that you want to end the monthly contract.
  • If you have overdue invoices and a payment is made, it is used to pay for the oldest invoice first. The work that was scheduled to be carried out according to the invoices that are made up to date is then carried out.
  • If you have overdue invoices, work will not be carried out on the most recent invoice until the older invoices have been paid for and also had the scheduled work carried out.

Our SEO campaigns are billed to you on a monthly basis so that you get the steady, consistent work carried out that Google rewards with higher rankings. This is far more cost effective than big, random chunks of investment.